>>12335258>>12335259>>12335274These are ALL garbage and should be gassed.
Every other dog on here, provided the owners are responsible and TRAIN THEM WELL is good.
Shitbulls, Shitbull owners, and Shitbull apologists can go into the same ditch as their "Precious Pibbles"
I've YET to meet one (Owner,) who wasn't a semi-retarded, fatass moron who cares NOTHING for the people surrounding them.
It's ALWAYS excuses and "My baybee might lick you to death, but she's harmless!"
Most of these self absorbed, Chode-yodelling wastes of humanity will deny wrongdoing on their or their dog's part, even after immense damage is done.
That's right, the typical nigger response: "They DINDU NUFFIN'!!"