It all comes as a rebellion and rejection against God and Biblical law. (what people here refer to as Abrahams God.)
>>9225169Thank you, feels like I'm posting upstream with the angry opposition.
What people need to know is everytime we depart from God's law, there is consequences. Homosexuals wanted to reject the natural and ordained Man + Woman coupling, and instead engage in sodomy, as result 60 million of them died from aids. If we want to have good lives we must follow his commandments. Women no longer obey their husband, and now we have an epidemic of single mom, broken households, that create broken children. God made his laws for a reason.
Many western nations enjoyed high prosperity, when people become rich they forget about God, and in our arrogance, we think we don't need Him. Look at Sweden, most spoiled and arrogant people ever, known for their virtue signalling. Compare it to Poland that suffered alot in poverty, communism, suffering makes people turn to God, and now they are being rewarded, while those who abandoned God, suffers greatly, being invaded as punishment.
We must humble ourself and return to God, or it will get worse. Everyone knows pedophilia will soon be crypto-legal. After that God will deliver judgement. For americans it will either be nuclear war exchange with russia, yellow stone, or simply burn like godless california.