here are my tags, from left to right
>gold>platinum>beer (paid more than 10 euro to ylilauta)>midsommerbeer (posted during midsummer)>hyperactive (more than 1 million activity points)>great commenter (received more than 1000 likes)>This :D (given more than 1000 likes)>gold commenter (received a gold account for my posts)>gold this :D (given gold account)>assburger (written assburger in options field)>grill (written grill in options field)>anonymous is legion (i paid 50 euro to the admin for this tag, it is extremely rare)>ylilauta pro (account older than 1 year)>always been here (account older than 3 year)>handicap (donated to anon who had 10 tumors)>apu apustaja (donated to poor finns)>generous apustaja (donated more than average to poor finns)>macaroney (donated maybe 20 euro i dont remember to poor finns)>corona (this is literally the same as 4chan april fools but we got it as a permanent tag)>finland 100 years (paid 10 euro to admin when finland turned 100 years independent)>hard disk drive caust (in finnish its kovokausti so it comes from holocaust and it refers to an event where admin jewed everyone out of their gold accounts and money by pretending that the hard disk drives got fucked or something and u got the tag by being on ylilauta during that time)