Try to swing by
>>>/lit/ or any other niche board, I fucking dare you. You'll find out that the original posters were outnumbered by schizophrenic /pol/tards who converted whatever was left of the board's content into:
>christcuck general>i hate niggers and degeneracy>why can't i find a white wife who'll put up with my shit>redpill me on X/Y>explain me like a redditor what's (insert edgy political idealism) aboutEVERY
/pol/ is like a cancer spreading throughout political and apolitical imageboards, not even fucking wizchan is safe from their shit.
Make more degenerate threads and perhaps they'll fuck off to their containment boards. If you you take /pol/ seriously you should consider immediate suicide or psychological rehab but most importanly keep to your echo chamber shit hole.