>>3947707Pre-Neolithic man had a worldwide unified pre-civilization culture. Evidence is all around in grand old civilizations that came much later but much of their sites are built on the base of these super ancient civilizations.
Earth rises and falls with humans many times.
(((They))) don't want you to know that the Illuminati knows this and used the Thule/Vril Society to collect every single trace record of these cultures and their tech to reverse engineer interdimensional and space faring tech.
Thule/Vrill escaped the fall of Nazi Germany by use of electromagnetic red mercury gyroscopes installed on flying craft. Upon escaping to Antarctica, the Allies knew they were done for and it was settled there a few years later.
The Secret Space Culture was created from that truce and now the real Illuminated Gnostic mystics that actually found the truth colonize our solar system and beyond. A breakaway of that society is also entering interstellar travel thanks to friendly ET tech.
You and me and all the other sheep are left here to play the game while a slect few thousand expand humanity and expect us to free ourselves from the New World Order to gain entry.
1954 and 2018 are practically the same technologically compared to them and their masters.