>>249830108>PHD HereNiggers are genetically superior, in the instinctive sense, in being physically stronger animals. Look at the NFL and the NBA. That being said, being a physically stronger animal isn't a very helpful trait in society. This means women who are unintelligent will be attracted to niggers, because they rely on instinct more than intelligence, and this causes them to inevitably find themselves in the same misbegotten state as niggers, utter failures because natural human instinct does not define the most beneficial way to act and behave in society. Instinct is what causes niggers to be so predisposed to crime and violence. These are instinctive behaviors, because in the wild, killing and stealing were always beneficial to the individual, and posed no harm to yourself more than civil behavior, because in the wild there were no laws or rules. If you were not killing and stelaing, then this just means you would be the victim of the people who were killing and stealing. Clearly killing and stealing aren't very productive or beneficial behaviors, but due to lack of natural intelligence, niggers find themselves to be far more compelled by instinct, and thus far more predisposted to irrational behaviors which are triggered by instinct. Things like fighting, yelling, stealing, and murder. These are instinctive behaviors, and while beneficial in the wild, they are markedly detrimental in a civilized society. Niggers lack the intelligence in order to overpower their instinct, and this causes them to be maladapted for civilization.
That being said, niggers are more instinctive. This makes them far more predisposed to having sex, having sex whenever possible, just like a dog or any other animal. It's instinct, and their irrational predisposition to instinctive behavior is again the reason why nigs are constantly trying to fuck, and this is why niggers have much higher rates of STD infections.