>>12925619It's cyclical. During WWII and immediately after the war the big cities were hubs of manufacturing and distribution. There was plenty of work and the jobs paid well. There was plenty of tax revenue to fund good schools, robust law enforcement agencies and pay for infrastructure and public recreation like parks. Life in the city was pretty damned good.
Then more and more niggers started showing up because they wanted those jobs and to live in a place like that. Hard to blame them. But as you probably know, the higher the percentage of the population is niggers, the more crime there is. So by the early 60s crime starts getting bad enough and there are enough niggers everywhere that white flight begins. Then the Civil Rights movement and the violent protests that came with it ripped through American cities. The people with good jobs moved to the suburbs and commute to work, meanwhile the niggers stay behind in the urban core.
So play that out for about a decade and you end up in the early 70s. Cities are largely populated by minorities, the tax base is gone ,and even many of the businesses moved out due to their workers living elsewhere or due to crime. All those schools go to shit. The only way niggers can figure out how to make money is to sell drugs. So they do. But the police aren't able to adequately do their job, so crime skyrockets, especially organized crime and gangs. It's basically like this for 20 years. Overwhelmed local PDs can't keep crime under control, anyone left with money is gone and the cities can't afford to fix roads or maintain parks or schools or anything. The cities become shitholes.