Hello goyim! Please be depressed and hate yourself.
>White women are worthless and will cheat on you. Just let Tyrone and Jamal have them>Work is too much trouble. Just play vidya>Whites are being replaced. Don’t have children. OY vey!>Trump is a kike lover>Christianity is a kike conspiracy>Just give up goyim. You’ll be happier!>demoralization thread>Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (often shortened to FUD) is a disinformation strategy used in sales, marketing, public relations, politics, cults, and propaganda. FUD is generally a strategy to influence perception by disseminating negative and dubious or false information and a manifestation of the appeal to fear. These threads and articles are demoralizing propaganda. Don’t believe the kike lie.If you don’t have friends or family, go join a church. The people in the church believe that IT’S THEIR JOB AS CHRISTIANS TO MAKE YOU PART OF THE COMMUNITY. They will go out of their way to fit you in. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the social skills. Just be honest and they WILL take you in and teach you. At least a good church will, so if you don’t find it at one, then keep trying until you find one. It’s God’s plan that you have a good mate and family.
I’m amused by fact that there’s a fat tranny shill like you being paid 10 cents per post that barely makes enough money to pay for your dilating supplies. But your time here will be over soon when you kill yourself for not being a real woman.