>>16759344"Europeans" did not grow out of the soil of Europe. It was once a wilderness place that was slowly becoming civilization through a certain people, as prophesied. Civilization goes back to the middle eastern and mediterranean region.
That does not imply "Arabs build civilization". People are not a region. People move.
And the Germanic tribes showed up out of "nowhere", overtaking the whole show. How does that happen? Where did they come from? No civilization? only tribes, but a pure race and highly intelligent and obviously cultured? They obviously lost something, they lost their civilization generations ago for some reason. Or did they just magically grow from the soil and then decided to take Rome? No, they came from the east and over the Caucasus mountains. They were the lost sheep from the house of Jacob-Israel. The double headed eagle of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation comes from Assyria, the Asen land, or Aesir, Aser, where they came from, out of the captivity there. And their folklore resembles what we read in the bible. You can trace their genetics and history back to the regions of the middle east easily.
God did not come into a mixed race body, a mixed race that He did not create originally. So He was certainly not Jewish or Arab. And "Arab" is Hebrew for "mixed", "to darken", "become evening". So the Hebrews themselves can not be Arabs or anything darker. Jews are a mixed people too, they are Edomites, close to Arabs sometimes, they don't have a pure clean lineage to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob 4000 years back, they are just liars. They are pagan mother-goddess worshipers, with their star of r*mphan, their canaanibaalism, and they trace their lineage through the mother, the opposite from the Israelites/Christians who always trace through the father.
Israelites were White people. A people in the thousands of millions (Genesis 24:60) with a company of nations, and not a little band of ~15 million multi-racemixed antichrists.