What do you think of deskilling in gaming? Is it a political scheme? In particular, I am thinking about MOBAs and games with MOBA elements (like all the changes to Battlefield 4 and 1). It seems that the implementing of handicaps just separates gamers, while not making the game any easier for nubs - they still get crushed just as badly, but the games are more frustrating for everyone.
This is especially true at high-level play. You notice everything wrong, like in Battlefield where you have little cover and endless points of defense. This causes people to get shot without the ability to shoot back, and it makes something of a false defensive position where teams group up and then are surprised when it devolves into an explosive spamfest.
In Overwatch it is similar, it's just a clusterfuck of damage-sponging and having to work around randomness/handicaps while having a nauseating amount of nonsense going on that you just spam through. Lots of the pros even complained about this.
Compare to a game like Left 4 Dead where you didn't just need positioning and basic teamwork, you needed extreme skill, careful communication, and extreme coordination. I would say that the game asked more of average teams than Overwatch does of the pros. Mistakes were punished really hard, and there were few abilities to cover up a player's weaknesses, and you had to land everything. (Battlefield 3 was pretty similar, as is CS. Evolve seemed to resolve a lot of the casual problems with MOBAs and was unpopular because of this.)
Watching MOBAs and Overwatch (I was GM) it's definitely not the same, you see pros making tonnes of mistakes, and mainly that is just built into the game and the random nature of abilities and other mechanics.
Thoughts? Can't seem to talk about this anywhere else, official forums and reddits just shit on you and get you banned.