whats the meaning of it all? Why mortal chimp existence on planet earth. Out of the billions of possibilities what drew us all here?
Im not hating. Ape body is pretty good. But it makes me think what else is out there, how its tied to what happens when we die.
just makes me wonder. I just had an epiphany. I was thinking that maybe you could create some kind of muchroom powered spaceship. Then in startling realize I realized they are the space ship. Thats why the elites dont really dont care about space travel. Theyre already using space internet.
Kek long story boys we all come from shrooms. We are fungal bodies. Its why your dick is shaped like that. Fungal spores are how life is colonized though out the universe.
On my last trip. I pierced the veil . I was looking at a still of a waterfell when with the power of my concentration, I could start to make out something that was not distortion, but rather something on the other side trying to communicate. My sister was with my so she broke my concentration but i think something is there.