>>6846927your mutt flag is a memeflag in itself when you waste time making these retarded threads.
I would be proud to fight and die shoulder to shoulder with my European brothers against the invading hoardes of mutts and subhumans like muslims and niggers.
>b-but i sent my DNA to a kike tracking company and they told me im northern european.Im sad for you mutts to even think anyone of us here would give 2 shits about what you pay for a kike to tell you is real; in your mind.
Nobody here needs to take kike-tests because we are racially pure for generations. The current infestation, forced on us from you, making you the enemy that enforce the jewish doctrine, will be dealt with in time. People are already openly saying they are national socialists now, people started to see the value of our great forefathers again. That spells disaster for you filth.