>>10951579Hey. You aren’t trying properly. It’s not a good time, 2020 has been garbage for me too but really if your city centre is open, the clubs I mean, then it will only take you a couple of hours to get a GF.
Take a look at the pic related. I was just trying to shock the Muslim faggots in britpol who never go out but the janny closed the thread.
If you hit on girls you’ll get some of them. What you do is put aswagger on, look right, feel right, and when they flirt or go to pieces for you (shaking, giggling butter fingered, tossing their hair around like a shampoo commercial) then you chase up that green light. It’s that easy. Piece of cake.
Also if you get good at it (you look fine, nothing wrong with you and it’s easy) you don’t have to stop at one, or at a 6/10. Hit on 10/10’s and you’ll get some. I do. There’s absolutely nothing to fear and nothing to stop you being straight with them, everyone wants sex. Including 10/10’s.
It’s only lads who don’t do that, who don’t make moves, who don’t get girls. They make excuses instead but that’s all in their heads, they think the anxiety is ‘mental illness’ - I get anxiety every time I go out tomming, but it’s like getting in pool once you are submerged you acclimatise and the angst goes away.
Good luck lad.