>>19204221>[Colby leaves, and Sheila turns back to the bar, finishing off her drink and ordering another. To the other patrons, Sheila's just another drunk talking to herself. Sheila honestly can't even tell is Martini Ghost is even still nearby, but drinking too much and talking to ghosts is something you get used to around her age.]"Fuck me dead, she's a good egg. Her and Flamo. And Nickers, I guess. I should try and see her. Fuck, mate, Oi'm really sorry about youse and ya mum. Never ackshally met 'er, but if she raised you, she musta been pretty fucken great. Fuck, I only learned youse was a ghost, like, a few minutes? Or four days ago? I dunno, mate. Honestly, toim moves so weird in Spaggie Town. I nevah fucken got me head around it. I reckon Cobbles in onta something, but. Yer angels are gonna be off their tits ta hear ya voice again, love. Now youse get outta here as well. Ya can be anywhere, ya dun need ta keep an old cunt like me comp'ny. Keep it sleazy, Sappho."
>[Unable to see Sapphire, but expecting that she'd leave, Sheila gives a raise of her glass to an empty corner chair, and then glances at the flatscreen across the bar for the first time since starting her conversation with Colby and Sapphire's Ghost. The WWA was airing, and by the looks of it, they finally got that B1 off the ground. Someone Sheila knows all too well is facing some new blonde bitch, who's even wearing Sheila's hat in her graphics. Jesus, how quick they replace the old guard.]"Cassie fucken Kade. Damn, I woulda loved ta be a part of that tor-ney. And fucken Kels. Shit. Fuck. SHIT. Gotta meet with Thea. Figure out what the hell I'm even doing here."
"Shit, I'm double parked. Oi, barcunt, keep 'em coming, yeah?"