>>21665894>>21665891Screencap reminds me of a movie Doug Casey recommended:
https://letterboxd.com/film/jones-plantation/https://jonesplantationfilm.com/The movie is an allegorical piece about how slaves on a slave plantation brought under control and managed by giving the slaves the belief that they were free workers, getting paid (company scrip) and could vote for their choice of managers, who were in fact relatives collaborating with each other behind the scenes.
The slaves were victimized by supposed external threats, that were in reality perpetrated by the managers themselves. The slaves are pacified by all the mindgames to the point where one slave who discovers the truth is himself set upon by angry NPC slaves for "causing trouble".
We ARE the slaves on the plantation, getting paid in Federal Reserve Notes, not free to leave, and subject to external threats (9/11, Covid, now WW3) that were/are actually orchestrated by our own leaders.