>>13644470>are Jews still the chosen people of God?Never have been.
All throughout ancient Israelite scripture (the Bible, et. al.), God COMMANDS His people to call on Him by name (the tetragrammaton, i.e. יהוה, i.e. "Yahweh", or possibly "Jehovah", etc.), and yet religious Jews absolutely refuse to do this. Also, Jews figure their family line through the mothers, but every genealogy in the Bible is patriarchal. Additionally, the Jews have never been "many nations", as Yahweh's chosen people were prophesied to become.
Clearly "the Jews" cannot be the same people as these Israelites of scripture, as explained in the points above, and as alluded to by Jesus Christ Himself when he said that He knew of people who claimed to be "people of the tribe of Judah" (translated as "Jews" in the KJV and elsewhere), but were not. Jesus said that these people were liars. Knowing what we know about the Jews of today, would it really be so surprising that they had in fact assumed the identity of another people, the true people of God? All the evidence says that this is the case.
The so-called "lost" northern tribes actually migrated and became the white nations of Europe. Keep in mind that most instances of the word "Jew" in the Bible are actually mistranslations by today's standards and meanings. In most cases, the word should now rather be replaced with either "inhabitant of Judea" or "member of the tribe of Judah". By today's Jews impersonating first the tribe of Judah (Jesus talks about this.) and then all of Israel (a people, not a place), they have turned this aspect of scripture into a mistranslation (although there are a few instances where it is not a mistranslation, such as where Jesus references the "blasphemy of those who say they are Jews but are not and do lie" (my paraphrase)).