JIDF/Shills have a new tactic; "the dumbing down of /pol/", (((they))) encourage extreme shitposting
part of this tactic is making newfriends believe /pol/ was always like the way it is now
/pol/ in the past was:
>well thought out op>citations were needed>links were posted>peer reviews were posted>proper arguments (no logical fallacies etc)>floods of info/stats with sources >sources were vetted>trolls were not fedsure there was a space elevator thread here and there but most of /pol/ had a sense of community and the quality of your post is what truly mattered
I believe the JIDF/shills feared this the most and has weaponized newcommers in shitposting as if /pol/ has always been this way
My point being we need more original thought on this board; not mere reactionary shitposting.
Together, folks, we're going to make /pol/ great again!
what can be done to bring back the ways of old?
>inb4 the JIDF left a long time ago, not truehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dGJDJoeAok [Embed]
the quality of debate has decreased substantially since 2012/2013 to present date, there was an influx like never seen before with the 2016 election and this is when /pol/s board culture was attacked
the influx followed by gg was moar manageable do to the fact that most migrants came from /v/ and they were aware of 4chunz board culture and quickly assimilated
after the election newfriends just call you a boomer when you request links/citations and vetted sources
what can be done to educate newfriends in the ways of /pol/ on
>shill/slide threads. report do NOT reply>e-celeb threads. report do not reply>don't feed the shills. do NOT reply! They only seek to 'derail' the thread and thus prevent any relevant discussionthe lack of moderation makes it safe to assume the mods are complicit. do NOT reply to shit threads because replying bumps that thread back to the top of the catalog, effectively reducing the quality of the board. let it slide down and off the catalog