>>14318525Occupy wall street was broken up by hedge fund managers giving shitloads of money to divide and conquer identity politics movements. They bought the media and started pushing the narrative everywhere. Feminism became about making men hate women. LGBT became about making gays painfully visible and televising their most disgusting examples of degeneracy. BLM as a movement was made to increase racial tensions.
You have no idea how incredibly fucked we are.
>The narrative is simply going to shift to blaming covid and the government response for the coming economic collapse which started in september of 2019 to protect the bankers from a new, more effective/violent occupy wall street. The central banks of the world have completely crashed the global economy, they needed a scapegoat. This is about to be the biggest wealth transfer in history. This is 21 years of economic sins. 2001 Greenspan drops the FED prime rate in response to the DOTCOM bubble bursting, creating the housing bubble. 2007, the housing bubble busts, the FED drops the interest rate to ~0% and buys $4.5 trillion dollars in toxic assets. The rate stays near zero for the next 14 years. Despite a near zero interest rate in september of 2019 the FED issues $4.5 trillion in liquidity loans to the same banks that needed bailouts in 2008. 2020 starting in march the FED starts QE4 which buys up $2 trillion more in toxic assets. They are printing money to keep the banks and incredible amounts of debt from completely collapsing the global economy.https://wallstreetonparade.com/2022/01/theres-a-news-blackout-on-the-feds-naming-of-the-banks-that-got-its-emergency-repo-loans-some-journalists-appear-to-be-under-gag-orders/>This is what the great reset is, it's a way for the private owners of the global central banking industry to remain in power despite their complete destruction of the global financial system through greed and mismanagement. Any other take on this whole situation is a distraction.