>>18025663regular household, i think its smokety brown. if i had the money to buy bugs i woulve bought a queen ant to try and make a colony (with little to no success) but i ended up going for cokcroaches because they are more resilient and i expect them to act more like individuals rather than a colony of a gorillion ants where i cant recognize each one (i honestly expected to recognize each roach, i even named them after the trhee stooges). Because the fishtank had almost no sunlight or ventilation a fungus grew on it and it began to stink because i also didnt clean it propperly, i expected roach pets to be just like those tarantula pets people have. so i ended up dumping all the contents of the fishtank on my frontyard and thats where i found out one of them was pregante and had filled the dirt i put them on with eggs that were now mini roaches taht immdiatly dispersed