Quoted By:
>The China whitepill:
china's population will be reduced to 50% in 50 years or so.
this is due to CCP's retarded 1 child policy, which was in affect for 35 years.
2.1 births per woman is needed to KEEP a country's population.
china had 0.9 for 35 years, with a huge preference for keeping boys (people were tossing newborn baby girls into buckets of water) so the problem only got worse over time. more and more boys for every girl.
retarded CCP has finally lifted the limit on how many kids you may have. going above 2 kids was only allowed after 2021.
but the culture in china is still to only have 1 child per family. people don't want more than 1 kid because society is built around having exactly one.
ignoring chinese statistics (all lies) logic concludes that china will halve in population. good luck being the world's factory then.