>>18606383*Suddenly, another oni mask appears in front of Onigiri, circling around the oni as if to signal something. It's definitely not one of hers. Do masks even do this on the regular? Does it have...horse ears? She then hears the call of the floating mask's owner, who suddenly grabs it*
>いいえ!それを停止する!何をしているのですか?No! Stop that! What are doing, stupid mask?
>ごめんなさい!なぜ急にマスクをしたのか分かりません...I-I’m sorry, I don’t know why my mask suddenly…
>え?あなたは...悪魔のようです。ああ、マスクもありますね!あなたも精霊と一体ですか?Eh? You...You look like a demon. Ahh, you also have a mask! Are you one with the spirits as well?