Quoted By:
>be incompetent diversity hires
>Get mindfucked into promoting neoliberal economic policies that are over a decade out of date by think tanks like the ((( institute economic affairs))) and the rather shady (((Le Cercle)))
>Become prime minister and chancellor of the Exchequer by promising conservative party members (mean age 78) moar pensions.
>Sack senior ministerial advisors who tend to act like the " adult in the room" for greenhorns and newfaggits.
>Single handedly destroy the Tufton-street neolib myth that just borrowing billions to slash taxes will lead to rapid economic growth
>Blame your inevitable failures on an imaginary cabal of wokeist civil servants, communist bankers, pinko hedgefund managers, muh "blob", muh "deep state" socialists at the OBR, leftoid newspaper editors etc and etc
>End up blaming each other.
>Resign 1 day after your become eligible for lucrative PM pension.
When do we acknowledge that diversity hires are a meme?
Lol. I posted it again.