>>14972654bro you dont think apple works day and night to restrict what you can do on their hardware so that roasties have a more convenient way of consuming content?
thats all its designed to be bro the other things you can do with computers for now is just until they find out a way to take it away from you. every hardware operating system update for the past 30 years has been about taking away tools and dumbing it down for people
you are a hypocrite if youre still using windows you need to be on linux where people are still innovating it in the right direction
>Comparing what Hitler worked for, did and sacrificed for his people to what some couch potato does from the comfort of his homesome people taught me conspiracy theories to expose the government to millions of people
no book would ever reach the amount of people like the 9-11 truther movement did in the early 2000s that was able to reach literally everybody because of the internet
theres been people online who have done way more than hitler did
hitler could only effect a small group of people and failed
this is global internet
>Cards, chess and board games are a thousand times more beneficial for people than online digital games. Even the old-school consoles where you'd have to bring a bunch of retards to your place after school to play some tekken were vastly superior to the online garbage kids have today.theres always been downer people like yourself who brings in your shitty rules and regulations and opinions of what you can and cant do
theres people who probably thought playing cards was satanic back in the day or listening to music
you better not listen to music because its a consuming of content and its satanic
you dont listen to music?
you got to realize that your subjective opinions on things is not the true reality this is the world you have created around yourself
theres plenty of games that had matchmaking and online mode that were great initially until the jews changed it