>>10589101I had some smartass bible comment, but I forgot it when I saw this and realized that if we just literally kept women on leashes, naked, barefoot and pregnant we'd be well on our way to space by now. The military society derived from our original state is fundamentally correct, extinction is merely the new and serious enemy and I think only whitemaleness even cares about shit like, say, 99942 Apophis maybe striking the earth in 2029. Do you think niggers or women sat down and did all the math to predict that it wouldn't strike even in 2068? And this is only a 450 meter asteroid, nerding out over it was practically an exercise. I can't really see a nationstate run by nigs or women or drugged up cholos really doing shit like that. If we really eneded up handing it over to them they'd spend that money on nigglets and tampons. Big rock is overdue, little rock is overdue, geomagnetic reversal is real and also overdue. We could very well soon have problems for actual adults instead of child nigger who-is-this-a-statue-of-again problems.
Also $5 they tear down a statue of FDR in their confusion. Without a college educated white around how would they even know who he is?