>>21791226I cant stand this drivel.
If god can only exist in an individual's mind, then logically it must be the fabrication of the individual. Your insanity is not evidence he exists, dipshit. Objectivity is not optional. And no, insisting you must convince yourself you hallucinated him is not helpful, fuck off. I can just as easily hallucinate a light in the sky or have a 'miracle'(which was ultimately a perfectly possible random chance) and insist it was Zeus or Odin.
And for what reason? Do you lot truly believe that god can only behave in such a manner that he leaves doubt on the table on purpose for absolfucking no reason? Why? Just so he can send more people to hell at the end of the day? Blind loyalty is more important than not torturing? What a prick, why worship that guy even if you do think he exists?