>>16042824Isis was Not A virgin. She impregnated herself with the dead Phallus of Osiris.
Born between August 24th and 28th
Zero reference anywhere to a "star in the east" or "three kings" and "new-born savior"; it is simply made up.
He was never betrayed by Typhon
He was never 'Baptized'
He never had 12 disciples - he had 4 semi Divine Disciples and 16 human followers
He never walked on water. he was thrown into the water.
There is no character named Anup the Baptizer in ancient Egyptian mythology. This is the concoction of a 19th-century English poet and amateur Egyptologist by the name of Gerald Massey
Therre is no El-Azur-us in Egyptian mythology. It was not Horus who raised “Asar” from the dead. It was his mother.
None of those titles are attributed to Horus.
Was not crucified, buried and resurrected.
ALL of this is made up.