>>13825047>>catholic church, flavians created christianity to controll the post roman world and stop judaism from gaining more power, using a peace promoting messiah scripture instead of one that would destroy the jews enemies like david did, because jews at the time waited for the messiah who would be a warrior, a leader. (conspiracy)(i) If you look at the facts on the ground, that's just an impossible theory. Things didn't happen that way. (ii) That theory assumes a "Jew power" conclusion that no one would have had in that era. Jews only attained worldly power around the time of the """"Enlightenment"""" era closing of the ghettos (and maybe a century or three before that as money lenders). No one would have been intent in a /pol/-like fashion, if you will, to "stop the Jews" in the ancient world. They just weren't seen as that kind of threat. Rome shut them down because they rebelled politically, in the same way Rome shut down other groups that rebelled.
>>If the jews that came out of Egypt are gods chosen people, did jesus not only then preach to jews? Did he meant to give even the non jews a religion to follow? If i am not one of the chosen people, why should i believe in god? Apparently he thinks i am not worthy?No, that's not right. Jesus necessarily preached to the Jews first, given the Jews' role in salvation history -- they were indeed the Chosen People.
But we already see significant hints in the gospels that things are not going to stay that way. Thus, Jesus observes that a Roman centurion, of all people, has greater faith than anyone in Israel!
The "great mystery" Paul writes of in Ephesians 3 is that the gentiles are now on the same level as the Jews with respect to salvation in Christ.
The Church established by Christ is now the vehicle of salvation for the entire world.
You might try reading Karl Adam, The Spirit of Catholicism.
Quick rundown here: