In my previous thread I proved to that Gayreeks are subhuman LARPers from Africa and Asia, with zero connection whatsoever to ancient Hellenes. I also proved that we Macedonians was the true Hellenes:
>>237515829In this thread we will instead discuss the Gr**k question, and its radical solution. Note that Gayreeks are a plague on all of humanity, and not just us Hellenic Macedonians:
>1) Gayreeks defile and degrade White history. Accepting Gayreeks as the descendants of the ancient Hellenes is the ultimate form of cuckoldry. It implies that Western civilization was founded by shitskins. Rejecting this historiological cuckoldry is the first step for the West to reclaim its Aryan pride. Make no mistake, Ancient Hellenes were White, this is proven in their Macedonian descendants.>2) Gayreek faggotry is out of control and we cannot allow it to spread and further degrade mankind more than it already has.>3) Restoring Macedon to its former glory is the only way to issue into a new Golden Age for all of Europe. We will lead you to the stars, which is why we got a sun on our flag. Ad Astra! Doing this of course requires a solution to the Gayreeks who are keeping us down.>4) Gr**ks are to blame for the rapefugee-crisis in Europe. They control the main gate to Europe, but happily open up wide to let the shitskins flood Western Europe. Only thing holding it back is based Erdogan, who is mainly just defending Europe to dab on the Gayreeks. It is of course natural for the Gayreeks to let the Asiatic and Subsaharan hordes into Europe, since they are kinsmen of each other. Shitskin invasion = Gr**k invasion. Gayreeks try to take over Europe through their close-kin. A change of guard is the only way to stop the Gr**k invasion of Europe. Gayreeks must be replaced by more trustworthy guardians of Europe’s gates.Now that I have layed out why the Gr**k question is so important, I will discuss alternative solutions in next post.