>>6247210Discipline anon.
>Start small. Get up on time. Learn to make coffee.>Minor adjustments. Get a job closer to something you like. If you're stuck, try to get a raise. Rise above those around you.>Dress a little neater.>Mow your yard on a timely basis.>Clean your room, organize your house.>Buy groceries in bulk, less trips to store. Profit through the month.>You'll start to clear your mind by doing these things.All in all, like anon said
>>6247211 you have to keep doing it. NO ONE, I REPEAT NO ONE is going to do it for you. There is no magic fairy, there is no magic unicorn rich women or man that is going to help you out. Likely your family is shit, as in my case. Take a good look around you. You see how those around you are fucking up? Learn from it. At the end of the day you can only trust yourself to help you, and you need to whip your own ass to even be able to do that because you've clearly let yourself go and get away with it for years, decades in some of our cases.
Don't lose your humor though. That's a dangerous road.