>>17269485I live in Canada, land of the chinksectoid.
Can confirm they have the most disgusting, sub-human dietary habits on earth.
Even the poos are fine, they eat a lot of rice and veggies, curries, etc. I'm cool with that.
Chinksectoids eat EVERYTHING. I went into a chink market the other day to grab some fried rice for lunch, a quick fix, while I waited I had to stare at shrink wrapped duck's heads, labeled "spicy duck head".
WTF do you do with the head of a duck except feed it to wild animals?
Eating raw is just another of their degeneracies. Some things, ok, fresh salmon, fresh tuna, cool. But everything else? Fucking degenerate. They like to slurp things.
In fact, have you ever had to listen to a Chinksectoid eat? SLURP SLURP LAP LAP SHLOP SHLOP. SSSSSLLLLUURRRRRPPP.
No wonder every single one you encounter is constantly coughing, sniffing loudly, horking and spitting, over and over.
Their bodies are so fucked from so many parasites, so much MSG, so many other chemicals and preservatives in their foods, they can't sit quiet for more than 10 seconds before their body rejects something from one of their chink-holes.