>>19311279https://archive.palanq.win/bant/thread/19287158/#19304764https://archive.palanq.win/bant/thread/19287158/#19304766The set momentarily falls silent as Priscilla emerges from the changing area wearing a leather dominatrix themed attire in time to see Carmody in action. Every movement Carmody makes, every pose, keeps Priscilla’s eyes completely glued. The doubts she began to harbor last night evaporate. This girl is the real deal.
Priscilla grins as she steps just behind the photographer, watching Carmody’s shoot closely
>Yes, there is a line in your contract mentioning that you’re allowed to keep the outfits you pose in. But feel free to take anything else you like once the shoot is over, there’s plenty more where it came fromAs Carmody continues to speak, displaying wisdom well beyond her relatively short experience in the WWA, Priscilla finds herself impressed with more than just her looks and confidence. When she turns, flaunting her ass for the camera, Priscilla nudges the photographer, who swiftly hands her the camera. Priscilla then gets into position, snapping a number of the photos, before zooming in for the last one, ensuring an enticingly detailed display of the lingerie’s fabric, and of Carmody’s bum.
As Carmody turns and tosses her hair, Priscilla hands the camera back to the photographer, then approaches Carmody with a smile.
>You were magnificent! A natural in front of the camera.>Forget about Kanako. She will never amount to half of what you are. And when the world sees the debut of Carmody Jefferson in The Divine Touch, you will be on your way to becoming a star, not just in wrestling, but beyond it.>Stick with me my dear, and I guarantee it will happen