>>550338DURMOLD DRAUMFPT better leave some scoops for MEEEEEEEE
>light applause, a few whistles and cheersGROMBLE FLURMP BUMBLE DRUMP
>audience applauds for at least thirty secondsTWO
>complete silence>drop of sweat from frozen audience member hits the floor>a faint plop can be heard in the empty vacuum, devoid of all other soundsSCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPS
>audience turns on itself>complete chaos>floor is wet with blood>black hole opens where colbert's head used to be>camera remains bolted to the floor long enough to capture everything in the room being sucked into the vortex and ripped apart at an atomic level before being sucked through>Trump eats an entire tub of ice cream>opens another black hole>black holes consume each other because of quantum physics>God Chosen Emperor Trump saves the day again