Quoted By:
I am a man of god but Im not the son of god.
If thee smite me, I will not turn the other cheek. I will fight back.
You spat on me, on my rights, on my mental well being, on my dignity, on my time.
For what? For trying to help you? For trying to help you recognize the deception and manipulaion? For defending what is right?
Nothing other than what happened was expected from the devils, but not from you. You pride yourself with all these good virtues. Smokes and mirrors apparently... Do you actually understand these fundamental virtues that you adorn yourself with or do they only function as a shallow self-image boost? Have you even spent a thought on these virtues, that supposedly represent the core structure of our societies, and what they actually mean? Not really I guess... In that case they must be meaningless.
I will avenge the scamdemic. I will never forget what you did. I will never forgive the betrayal. Theres absolutely no doubt in my mind: The vast majority of you creatures are below me, spiritually, intellectually and morally. Humans? No, animals! Subhumans if you will. Soulless consumerist animals. Driven by nothing but predictable animalistic impulses, urges and desires. You are animals no matter how much you larp as humans. Dont get me wrong I love animals but I would be crazy to grant an animal the same rights as myself, a human. Sometimes an animal deserves punishment. Sometimes you have to teach it. And sometimes you even have to euthanize some of the livestock. It is what it is and there is nothing wrong with that.
The godless cattle will feel my wrath. You deserve everything that is coming to you.