>>11439809You're retarded not because you're dumb, but because you're scared of everything. This keeps your minds so occupied, that you have a hard time focusing on much else than your own fear.
The reason for this is because you've been force fed fear propaganda all your life. I've never encountered a country where the population is so fucking afraid of everything that's not stapled to a wall. The government, Communism, Immigrants, Republicans, Democrats, Antifa, White Supremacy, health care, curse words on TV. "Will I live in a house tomorrow, or will I have to sleep on the streets because I couldn't pay my medical bills?" "I must own at least 10 semi-automatic rifles to protect myself against my next door neighbor". Such thoughts are unheard of in almost all western countries, but in America, it's part of your everyday inherent anxiety.
Then, on the other side of things, there is the "Bread and Circuses": The American Dream, Capitalism as the only way, 4th of July, The Constitution, TV and movies, Disneyland, American Football, Baseball. All of those things are just shiny, flashing semafors waved at you to keep your minds occupied from making rational decisions about you, your place in society and how to change things. You may think it's media, but it's actually finely tuned political instruments to keep you in place, largely created by corporations who of course are the real political power.
Those two things combined, makes it almost impossible for the american people to focus on what's really important in their lives. You're too overwhelmed by positive and negative stimuli, that you're not able to stop and make the decisions that's most beneficial for you and your community.
You're living in a democracy in theory, but a dicatorship in practice.