>>5903413>>5903414>>5903520>>5903517>>5903516>>5903514>>5903512>>5903508Qanon EXPOSED AS an @ReaganBattalion psy-op.
@drawandstrike aka Brian Cates is a #NeverTrump blogger from anti-Trump site The Reagan Battalion. He actively mocked and ridiculed Trump on social media from 2015-2016. He voted for Egg McMuffin. When Trump won he flipped his account to MAGA & soon began defending Sessions. You don't know this because he doesn't want you to.
http://www.thereaganbattalion.com/briancates.htmlHere he is in December 2015 “It's Time For Conservatives To Take Out The [White] Trash“
http://drawandstrike.blogspot.com/2015/12/blog-post.htmlThis is him calling Trump a piece of shit dictator and imploring us to be #CruzMissiles
http://drawandstrike.blogspot.com/2016/04/restoration-or-annihilation-this-is.html This is him trashing Trump again claiming that Trump was a secret Bill Clinton-plant
http://drawandstrike.blogspot.com/2015/09/donald-trump-isnt-running-to-help.htmlThis is him again trashing Trump