>>15963945>be me>inna pharmacy line at CVS >fat Latin ladies in front of me>black old man at the counter taking forever>know I have to buy tampons for the wifey after I get her prescription>spacing out>obvious tweaker comes in>itches all over the place being sus >jerks and twitches his way to the front of the line>starts yelling at the pharmacist about pills>proceeds to making demands>I hear it and lean to see past the other people in line>notice his blade of glass with cloth around it>walk to front of line>”away from the counter”>draw sidearm>”drop the weapon!”>he drops the weapon>puts his hands up and got on his knees>tell the pharmacist to call the police>wait there with him at gunpoint until they arriveHe thought I was a cop. Got really upset about it when the real police showed up. Started dropping the vigilante word.
This isn’t my first time either.