So they are painting the riots as peaceful, in order to get an angry knee jerk reaction, opposed to how they are supporting dropping ties w Israel, which most people would agree with if they knew shit about it.
>"The [American] police that are around us are not our friends. You should not speak to them. They are our enemy. They are an impediment to the liberation of Palestine... When I saw that precinct burn, I thought I was closer to Palestine. When I see an NYPD cop car burn - I say we are waking up a revolutionary country... They know that we will f**king free Palestine!"
Pro-Israel groupStandWithUs, in cooperation with the Iranian American Jewish Federation (IAJF), countered the rallies, using truck ads to display pro-peace messages such as "Israelis want peace," "Israel needs a partner for peace," and "Palestinian Leaders: Stop Teaching Hate & Rewarding Violence."
^As they shoot and rape palestinian children on the reg? Kikes!
>/POL/ DOES THIS MEAN THE RIOTS ARE... DARE I SAY IT... BASED AND REDPILLED AF?Inb4 ADL/JIDF No Trump will fix things! Trust Israel's first "Jewish president" goy!