>>13240386>Checking out some of them now, it is a lot to take in and all of it has been coming with time. Have a blessed evening anon!great, save the links to a notepad document to check out later
youtube links are new
Dude let me let you in on the timeline
Paul saw further then John
at the end of the scroll of Revelation Jesus and his saints are ruling and reigning on the new earth
At the end of 1 Cor 15:22-28 Jesus having perfected everyone Jesus stops ruling and reigning , after subjected all his enemies unto his feat, the last enemy to be destroyed is death. Then Jesus takes all that he subjects to God the father and God is all in all.
Those that go to the lake of fire die and stay until Jesus abolished death. The punishment sucks, (the second death) but in the end they will get out and enter the kingdom.
Jesus was offering people age abiding life vs age abiding punishment. Those that got age abiding life enter into the kingdom early, those that got age abiding punishment had to go through the punishment before entering into the kingdom. A lot of this is lost when you translate the words olam, aion, and aionios as eternal forever, and everlasting. Aion and Olam mean an age and aionios is the adjective form of the word (think wood, wooden, metal, metalic, sponge, spongy, hour, hourly, day, daily, week, weekly, month, monthly, year, yearly, age, agely or age abiding or age long ).
In the new testament their are ages in the past (plural) we are in a present age (singular), and there are ages to come (plural, more then one, at least 2) and there is also coming an end of the ages
Satan and his angels will be in the lake of fire for the ages of the ages.
these links document the ages, and God's plan for the ages