>>17040074There used to be a pre cataclysm/pre deluvian world civilization that used massive cave networks that went through every major ancient city and even connected different continents in some points. The old world was mostly connected and some caves reached America and even the Antartica.
This civilization is why many ancient civs seem to have a common ancestor.
The elite of this civ were ancient giants that were eventually taken down by another group, a "priest" class that filled the caves with slaves and used the intercontinental cave network to get fresh slaves from all over the world. This new "elite" fed on blood and flesh of people and thus had some people living in the caves permanently as cattle.
Then a cstalycms happend and msot of the network was destroyed or sunk, lost to time. The human cattle that lived there was mostly killed but some survived and have lived, trapped in the caves for ages and have devolved into troglodites.
Some of the network survived partially in some regions like in China, where cannibalism in the form of fetus soup is common because the plebians started to imitate the elite. Another place where the cave is mostly intact is the north American cave network but the entries where damaged and thus they are lost to time.
All the wendigo, skinwalker, bigfoot and all of those cryptis are some sort of trog. They and the network is why so many people dissappear without a trace in North America.
The current (((elite))) descent from the og cannibal elite and this is why they have so many blood and flesh consumption rituals and they want their caves back.