>>10923144 >[...] tHe SCIeNtist fIndS EvideNce oF rEASon In hIs EXAmiNatIoN OF nAtuRAL pHEnOMEna, But HE is conteNt TO THINK ThAT thiS rEASon mAy be his OWN tIlL HE disCOvErS eViDENCE tO THE coNTRARy. he ReCogNiZeS ThAt THe sO-caLlED law Of NATurE Is buT a simPLE reSume, A BriEf DeScRIptIOn OF A wIdE RANgE Of hiS oWN PERCEPTiOns, anD tHat tHE HarMONY BetWeEn hIS pErCEpTiVe And REASoNIng fAcuLTies iS noT incAPABLe oF BEINg traCed TO Its OrIgIN. nATuRal law ApPEaRS to hIm an inTelLecTual pRodUCT Of MAN, aNd nOT A routINe INhEReNT in "Dead MaTtEr."