>>2783684>For objective i dont think it's possible for humans to be 100% objective we can only try to be as close to it as possiblethis is post-modernist bull shit. "oh we can never know the truth, we all have our OWN truth :^) "
>An unbiased source would probably be something like a peer-reviewed scientific study>scientific studywhat are you going on about toothpaste? you want people to do experiments on niggers? the whole point is if you look at simple statistics, black people really do commit crime/receive welfare vastly out of proportion to their numbers in white countries, whether that white country had a history of slavery/oppression or not, doesnt matter, its the same, so oppression as a cause is not possible. black people commit as much crime on their own countries as they do in white countries also. the average african IQ is ~70, the average white IQ is ~100, the average african american IQ is ~85 because they have ~20% white blood in them