>>21647923this is truly the most retard take, considering nazis used flat earth tech that britain rejected and they successfully used it to destroy warehouses in the middle of the night flying completely dark for 500+ miles
anyone who says flat earth is in any way "jewy" is a total detractor / a total retard with only surface level knowledge, or a jew themselves. who even uses a nazi flag? the jews are the reason everyone is deceived. to use the nazi flag but to be brainwashed by jews about the globe and shown cartoons about dinosaurs is hilarious. you trust albert jewsteins theory of relativity which he stole (very jewish of him) from the patent office and is used as the backbone of all outer space related "proof". you would have to be a total RETARD to not know that masons run america and our education/scientific/military/government institutions are all controlled by jews who brainwash us to keep us docile cattle