>>14929473>People try to mix what Jesus and the 12 taught and what Paul taught. Paul TAUGHT something RADICALLY DIFFERENT.Fascinating.
This is the part of Christianity which is truly remarkable.
One who reads through the numerous Disciples and early Apostles reads that each one had their own understanding of Christ's teachings, and they appeared to have been attempting to communicate Christ's message to their respective audiences.
Now this makes sense, because Christ taught them to spread "His Word" to all nations.
Personally, having an understanding of the many different Gospels, it seems reasonable to take the over-riding, consistent message.
Sure, some folks prefer only one Gospel, and that's fine.
Yet what often seems to happen, is that divisions erupt within the "Christian family" because some folks prefer this Gospel over that Gospel.
Why not appreciate them all, and work to find the consistencies, and appreciate each of them for their own unique, and personal message about Our Lord and Saviour?
For instance, regarding *consistency*:
---> See image!
Observe that in The Gospel of Mark, while noticeable different from The Gospel of John, Jesus is mentioned to have appeared *first* to Mary Magdalene and it appears that the other Disciples did not believe her which is, again, quite *consistent* with what is recorded within The Gospel of Mary.
The point, again:
---> Different Gospels of different audiences; and this is entirely reasonable considering the immense task which lay before the Disciples and Apostles.
They truly did the best they could, and perhaps each one should be appreciated in their own manner?
Just a thought.
... but isn't it really interesting how there's so much consistency here, for instance, continuing with the "Mary Magdalene" story?
Truly remarkable.