Difficult questions the shills lashed out at: THIS A SHILL OPERATION?
Yes most likely, please take a moment and scroll through previous thread and see in what manner the people here behave when confronted with questions.
It is an inorganic mess of posters using lingo not common to the chans reaffirming each others view, even boomer tier stuff like writing:
>Yes, but it makes sense to us and that’s all that matters until we can find concrete proof. Overall though, I’d say the collective circumstantial evidence in all of these /DUMB/ threads puts it beyond a reasonable doubt that the crisis surrounding covid is a coverup and something is going on in these tunnelsNot knowing what / / means.
Refusing to read posts when proven wrong and attempts of shaming based on ancestors:
>dont read, dont care.>oh and a reminder>when your ancestors look at what you do, they're ashamed.Telling people what to do:
>Please focus>Lets adhere to a civilized discussion>If you do not want to dig, just move on>If you have a serious argument about the working theory aka images or documents fake present your counter proofs. If you think that its just a koinkidence and nothing to see here, you are free to leave>Also all of those points of research existed before Q, so no need to discuss Q here.Think for yourselves, be critical, above all read the archived thread and judge for yourself.