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Alright /bant, time for my story
>be me
>be 18
>back from uni for summer, helping parents move houses
>moving into new house is stressing my dad out
>been a different man since he left the military recently
>he's pissed all the time
>move makes it exponentially worse
>one day, sitting at lunch with family
>he starts going again with a middle school temper tantrum
>him and my mom start a shouting match
>brother and I slip away to avoid getting caught in said shouting match
>lock myself in room with bro, hoping it'll die down in a little while
>doesn't die down, gets way worse
>start hearing things crashing and lots of movement
>look at brother, know what we have to do
>decide to pin dad to get him away from mom
>both take deep breath
>open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur