>>15947553I admit to being hopeful when Trump won. I kept making excuses "it's the Plan" as he hired swamp monster after swamp monster. He made the economy better--so we went back to sleep.
They are running so many psyops now designed to get both sides agitated. 8 koon is DARPA central. I got perma IP banned for posting President SkinWalker (absolute fucking PROOF) and the Trump doubles that only a blind man could miss. Then there's the fake and gay Paytriots.
That FBI shooting in cincinnati? COMPLETELY fake. Impossible--like, literally impossible. But the talking box said..and so it goes.
The Vincent/Maxey "new" Hunter drop? a complete fake and gay operation. COMPLETELY fake. They used 4chan, again. Some fucktard granny tits is literally over at frenchan and got into an argument that there is "new stuff" and posted a text (blacked out ID to be safe) to prove it. I posted a cap of my copy properties--of when I DL it. Then explained to the complete fucking retard that frenchan was a glowop groomer pedo bullshit. They absolutely refused to believe me.
>I got "woke" and stopped listening to MSMDoes that include Tucker? Because he's playing one side, CNN is playing the other.
So I say--you got woke to MSM but keep falling for psyops. Congratulations you utter NPC.