>>21391961>>21402258Peyton Blossom yelps in pain as Priscilla Divine drives a knee into her midsection, followed by a swift roundhouse kick across the head. She staggers back, toward the ring ropes.
> DODGE!Priscilla shouts the order as she aims a low, tripping kick at Peyton’s ankles when she rebounds from the ropes. The girl fails to jump out of the way, and is sent tumbling face first to the mat. Priscilla stands over her, arms folded.
> You’ll need to do much better than that if you’re going to be worth training. Get up.Peyton struggles to her feet, a forlorn expression on her face.
> Madame Divine, I’m trying, I really am. But…She hesitates, unsure of how Priscilla would react to what she wants to say.
> … it feels like you’re not really trying to teach me anymore. You… you just keep talking about how you want the setup for your finisher to be faster and outta nowhere like that cutter Miranda Orton from Waifu Wrestling Entertainment does… then you distract me, and lock in a new version of the Made In Heaven and tell me how I need to pay closer attention… and… and…Priscilla points to the far side of the room.
> Look over there, the servants are bringing refreshments.Peyton turns.
> Huh? Where, I don’t se-AGGGHHHFFFFPeyton’s yell is cut off as Priscilla swiftly wraps an arm around her throat and pulls her down to the mat in her new variant of the Made In Heaven dragon sleeper. With her breathing cut off, Peyton taps desperately.
Priscilla laughs and whispers in her writhing victim’s ear.
> And here we are, yet again. What is it I keep telling you? Ah yes. Pay closer attention!She loosens her grip slightly, allowing Peyton to breathe, before tightening the hold.
> I won’t let you breathe again. So calm down, and fight out of this. Just like I showed you. Fight for your right to breathe.