>>19749975This is why I don't base my financial contributions to a woman on sex. If a woman does what I tell her when I tell her on matters large and small, I'm willing to put money and resources toward her. If she declines to listen to me, I will just treat her like a casual sex partner and barely spend a dime other than meals out here and there.
Examples of this would be I start dating a chick who has some debts, lives in an apartment, has a puppy, a crappy car, and an average job that is not leaving a ton of disposable income. If that woman listens when I tell her to get rid of her dog, or what car to buy, or what to do with the income she does have, then that's lining up to be wife material. If she keeps the dog, goes into further debt for another car that sucks, and fritters her money away instead of clearing her debt, that's a chick I won't spend any money on and will never plan to marry or impregnate.
tldr: Women who listen to their man's instructions get resources. Independent women get a dick and little more.