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Feminism is female biology gone political. Only q moron won't be able to see this fact and would believe it is some kind of thing that is foisted on the unwitting and ignorant. The ease and rapidity of which Feminism takes a hold of the women in ANY given population can only be described thunder clap! And we can only ask why and how come and only morons like yourself will be stuck in wonderment. But ask yourself, even though you're a retarded Zoomer, how responsible are pigs for the bacon industry? Without pigs there wouldn't and couldn't be a bacon industry. How responsible is the feminine (Female Nature) for feminism? Without femininity/female nature there would be no feminism. Marxism could not have been successful had it not been for its target audience. Feminism is simply female biology gone political—faggot men, such as yourself, have facilitated its free reign.
Saying the dumb shit you say is a misguided circular statement that seeks to evade the realities of female biology by suggesting “tampering”—femininity has been acted upon—femininity is an entity unto itself and feminism is a perversion of and not as a result of femininity. This statement is made by men who are afraid of female biology and its ugliness and refuse to accept that femininity has destructive elements that are inveterate to its hosts. Instead, they choose to view Marxism (Marxist Feminism) as having perverted and tainted the immaculate. Somehow, throughout human history, femininity managed to go unhampered and untainted, then comes the serpent who beguiles the female into eating the forbidden fruit. This form of reasoning is a pusillanimous type of rhetoric which inadvertently places the female as a victim. Men who are not interested in comprehending the severity of the implications of female biology and are not interested in solving the issue men face retreat to these poor types of statements.
You're a faggot. Please kill yourself.