>>17420899What does Gentile mean ? Gentile is a Latin word.
The words Gens and Gentiles have special meanings in the system of the Roman law and in the Roman
This is the Official Roman definition of the word Gentilis in Latin (Gentile in English)
(coined/created/first pronounced by Scaevola in 95BC)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quintus_Mucius_Scaevola_Pontifexand defined by Sextus Pompeius Festus (The OFFICIAL Grammarrian of the Roman Empire)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sextus_Pompeius_Festusin his 20 volume work "De significatu verborum" (“On the Meaning of Words”) 23 AD
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_verborum_significatione"Gentilis is both one who is of the same stock/race (genus), AND one who is called by the same name (simili nomine),
As Cincius says, those are my Gentiles who are called by my name."
--Sextus Pompeius Festus (The OFFICIAL Grammarrian of the Roman Empire)
-- "On the Meaning of Words" - 23AD
Same family/tribe/people (simili nomine) AND same race (genus).
Don't believe me ? Look up the ethomology of the word yourself
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/gentilisThat's what Gentile means. It doesn't mean non-jew, or another race, or another family, or another people or a Non-Roman.
The GREEK word ACTUALLY used in the Newer Part of the Testament/Covenant is ἔθνος
Ethnos which means (The SAME) nation or race.
ἔθνος - ethnos
"a race (as of the same habit), that is, a tribe, nation"
A person of the same race AND tribe
Matthew 6:7 and Matthew 18:17 translate the word Heathen but that is NOT from the Greek word Ethnos. It's from the Greek word ethnikos. Different word altogether.
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ethnicus#AdjectiveSo, a bit of discernment is needed. English translations seem to use the word Gentile in a very slop-shod manner.